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Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 561
精华 15
积分 4224
帖子 1645
信誉分 169
可用分 5637
专家分 771
阅读权限 255
注册 2007-10-29
状态 离线


何谓积碳: 以含碳化合物为原料的催化反应的第一步通常是在催化剂表面上进行吸附形成含碳物种, 如含碳物种经过分解、聚合等反应生成碳或焦炭沉积在催化剂表面, 既所谓的积碳或结焦. 积碳会堵塞催化剂的活性位或催化剂的孔道, 从而导致催化剂的失活. 积碳的形态一般分为无定形碳、层状石墨碳、管须状结晶碳以及粘稠状液态碳或焦油.
常发生积碳的反应: 催化裂化、Pt重整、加氢精制、轻油制氢.

积碳的原因: 热裂解催化裂解、深度脱氢、烯烃聚合.
催化积碳是在催化剂的作用下, 烃类化合物发生催化积碳反应, 它与催化剂的性质密切相关.
氧化物、硫化物上主要是酸性积碳, 积碳速率与催化剂的表面酸碱性有关;
金属上的积碳是通过烃类深度脱氢和脱氢环化聚合产生积碳, 金属颗粒大小、分散度、合金化影响积碳;
(c) 金属负载酸性载体催化剂的催化积碳则两者同时存在.


合金化, Pt重整催化剂中添加第二组分金属形成合金, 可减缓催化剂的积碳;

添加助剂, Pt重整催化剂采用少量Cl改性, 可以减缓酸性积碳;

利用载体活性组分的相互作用, 降低积碳;

对于酸性催化剂或载体, 添加碱性助剂(K2OMgO), 减弱酸性积碳;

通入水蒸气, 消碳;

添加其他元素如稀土, 加速消碳, 防止积碳.

催化剂因为积碳而失活, 其催化剂再生通常采用烧碳的方法可以部分恢复催化剂的活性.
烧碳条件如气氛、温度、气体组分等都会影响到再生后催化剂的结构、物化性质以及催化性能, 因此必须严加控制.
除催化剂上的烃类和挥发物, 必须在惰性气氛下进行;
除去硫和轻质碳, 必须在低温250-350度下先使金属氧化除去硫, 同时某些聚合物和轻质碳也随之除去;
最后除碳, 根据碳的量以及类型在较高温度下进行.


(1) Temperature-Programmed Oxidation (TPO)
(a) Determination of H/C Ratio;
(b) Determination of Coke Location;
(c) Determination of Oxidation Kinetics;
(d) Determination of Morphology;
(e) Determination of Coke Amount.
Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 561
精华 15
积分 4224
帖子 1645
信誉分 169
可用分 5637
专家分 771
阅读权限 255
注册 2007-10-29
状态 离线
(a) detection of CO2 by a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) after it is separated from oxygen and water in a GC column;
(b) detection of CO, CO2 and hydrocarbonaceous compounds after methanation;
(c) quantification of CO2 with a mass spectrometer;
(d) monitoring temperature increment above a reference sample, in differentialthermal analysis (DTA) equipment;
(e) measurement of weight loss in thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) equipment;
(f) detection of CO2 by FTIR.
TPO相似, 采用载气如HeAr, 也可以采用CO2代替O2.

(2) Electron Microscopy

Thelocalization, nature and structure of coke deposits have been examinedwith electron microscopy. Typically, the electron microscopy alone doesnot provide much information, and is generally used in combination withrelated spectroscopies.

(3) Electron Energy Loss Spectrocopy
(a) provides analytical and structural information, similar to that given by X-ray absorption spectroscopy;
(b) detect the location of the coke(由于EELS具有高分辨率——1nm2);
(c) provides qualitative information regarding the type of coke present on the catalyst (与参照样品对比).
局限性: used only in few cases to characterize coke deposits on heterogeneus catalysts.

(4) Infrared Techniques (FTIR, DRIFTS)
(a) obtainedwith these techniques is the chemical identity of compounds that formthe coke, such as olefinic, saturated or aromatic;
(b) informationregarding the location of coke can be obtained by following the signalof certain catalyst surface groups, such as Bronsted OH;
(c) observe the deposition of carbonaceous materials on the working catalyst.
局限性:limited information on the nature of carbonaceous deposits because oftheir complexity and of the difficulty to assign unambiguously an IRband to particular species.

(5) Laser Raman Spectroscopy
Classical Laser Raman Spectroscopy (LRS)
提供信息:provide information regarding coke structure (pregraphitic or highlyorganized) and on the average dimension of the crystallite, as long asa monophasic carbon is produced.

(a) the high sensitivity that allows the analysis of catalysts with low coke content (0.3 — 0.5 wt%);(b) the possibility of following the graphitization of amorphous carbon.

(a) 结果解析困难;

(b) surface fluorescence干扰;

(c) UV-Raman Spectrometry (UV-RS)解决了传统Raman的缺点.

(6) Dissolution of the Support and Solvent Extraction
原理: after the dissolution of the support with a strong acid, the coke is extracted with different solvents,然后采用GCMS等进行分析洗脱物.
缺点: the coke could be modified during this procedure.
Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 561
精华 15
积分 4224
帖子 1645
信誉分 169
可用分 5637
专家分 771
阅读权限 255
注册 2007-10-29
状态 离线
(7) Neutron Scattering and Attenuation
可提供信息: measure coke content and C/H ratio.
优点:This technique has the advantage that the coke content and thereforethe coke profile along the catalyst bed, can be measured in-situ.

(8) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

(a) The NMR technique is a powerful technique to investigate the nature of carbonaceous deposits;
(b) detect bindings between aromatic rings, alkyl fragments, and even tertiary carbenium ion-like species.
缺点: The information provided by NMR is not quantitative.

(9) Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES)
Augerelectron spectroscopy (AES) was used in combination with secondary ionmass spectrometry (SIMS) to distinguish between four types ofcarbonaceous deposits, on metal foils (rhodium, iridium and platinum).The foils were coked by exposing to ethylene at low pressure. Augerspectroscopy can distinguish between molecular or carbidic on the onehand, and graphitic or amorphous carbon on the other.

(10) X-Ray diffraction (XRD)
Cokestructure can be characterized by X-Ray diffraction analysis. Thistechnique makes it possible to determine if there is coke withcrystalline structure on the catalyst.
缺点: the sensitivity of this type of determination is rather lowbeing it difficult to determine the fraction and/or amount of coke in the crystalline form.

(11) Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
SIMSis among the few surface sensitive techniques which are capable ofdetecting hydrogen content of the deposits. It has been used incombination with AES to analyse coke on metal foils.
缺点: However, it was not possible to obtain the real H/C ratio of the carbon deposit.

(12) Sorption Capacity: Surface Area and Pore Volume
原理:Adsorption measurements allow the determination of coke location. Whenthe volume occupied by coke is much smaller than the volumeinaccessible to adsorbates, it means that there is a pore blockage.
缺点:However, in many cases the adsorption study is carried out at adifferent temperature than the reaction, and therefore diffusivitycould be quite different. Another aspect that should be taken intoaccount is that if the pretreatment for adsorption measurement requirestemperatures higher than the reaction temperature, an importantfraction of carbonaceous deposits could be stripped off the catalystand, therefore, the pore volume measured in this way will be higherthan the actual volume under reaction conditions.

(13) X-Ray Photo-electron Spectroscopy (XPS)

(14) Ultra Violet-Visible Spectroscopy (UV-VIS)
TheUV-VIS spectroscopy can be used to determine the chemical identity ofthe coke componentes. UV-VIS, unlike NMR and IR, can easily detectalkyl and alkenyl carbenium ions, essentially due to its much highersensitivity 55. This is usually carried out under vaccum, andtherefore, the more volatile compounds could be lost under theseconditions.

(15) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
TheEPR (or ESR) technique allows the study of the radicals that accompanythe coke formation, and thus estimate roughly the amount of coke andobtain information regarding its nature.
One of the advantages of this technique, is that it can be used both under static or under on-stream conditions.

(16) Coke Formation Rate
Theamount of coke that is being deposited on a catalyst has beentraditionally followed with conventional microbalances. However, due tothe inherent limitations of this equipment, in which it is almostimpossible to avoid feed by-pass effect and diffusional effects, thistechnique has not been very useful to determine coking kinetics as afunction of feed composition. A recycle electrobalance reactor has beendesigned to avoid this undesirable effect.

(17) 其他
特殊表征手段, 只针对某些特殊催化剂、反应有效.
Someof the techniques limited to single crystals or polycrystalline foils,such as low energy electron diffraction (LEED), He scattering, coreelectron energy loss spectroscopy (CEELS), and metastable deactivationspectroscopy (MDS).
而通常情况下,催化剂若积炭后在烧炭过程中都会伴随重量的变化, 鉴于热分析特别是热重法可以原位定量检测, 所以采用热分析技术来研究催化剂的积炭行为不仅可行而且也十分方便.