【手性科普】2008-the 160th Anniversary of Louis Pasteur's Discovery

the 160th Anniversary of Louis Pasteur's Discovery

The creative power of Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) has affected the entire science. As noticed by him, his discoveries stemmed from the combination of chemical (synthesis), physical (polarimetry, crystallography), and biological (enzymes) methods. Thus his exploratory approach pioneered the development of modern stereochemistry, microbiology, immunology as well as the interdisciplinary fields.

In 1848, Pasteur discovered the fundamental phenomenon of chirality and went on to develop three methods for resolution of racemates. One of them, the enzymatic resolution, led to a deeper understanding of microbiological processes, while his concept of vaccination made it possible to subdue epidemic infections. His works provided the basis for modern pharmaceutical industry, i.e., production of chiral drugs, including use of chemzyms and public health care such as application of synthetic vaccines.

路易•巴斯德(Louis Pasteur,1822年12月27日-1895年9月28日),法国微生物学家、化学家,微生物学的奠基人之一。他以否定自然发生说(自生说)并倡导疾病细菌学说(胚种学说)和发明预防接种方法而闻名。被世人称颂为 “进入科学王国的最完美无缺的人”。
路易•巴斯德生于法国汝拉省多尔,父亲是拿破仑军骑兵队的一名退伍军人,后成为皮鞋匠。1847年,巴黎高等师范学院(Ecole Normale Superieure)毕业。1848年成为物理教授。1881年着手研究狂犬病,1885年以减毒的方式(the method for attenuatio of virulent microorganisms)研制出减毒狂犬病疫苗,同年7月6日治疗一受狂犬咬伤的9岁儿童Joseph Meister。1868年首次中风。1887年再次中风。1895年9月28日卒于巴黎。

[ 本帖最后由 aa_tang 于 2008-10-4 13:39 编辑 ]

2008-10-4 13:28
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