
  Determining the 1H 90° pulse width of the decoupler

  It is strongly recommended that you use the 90% CHCL3 in d6-acetone sample for this calibration, since this sample has strong carbon signals that may be detected with a small number of transients (nt).

  Click on main menu, setup, 13C Acetone to select carbon standard parameters.

  Type ppcal to set up the pp calibration experiment.

  Adjust the following parameters: pp=0

  pplvl=49 WARNING!!! Do NOT set pplvl larger than 49!


  d2=0.003185 for the acetone standard. Set to 1/(2*JCH)

  pw=13C 90° pulse width

  p1=13C 180° pulse width



  dof =-426.0

  nt=4 for the acetone standard


  Type ga and phase the spectrum.

  Type gain='y'

  Set pp to your estimate of the decoupler 90° pulse width

  Type ga

  Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the intensity of the chloroform peak is minimum (zero intensity is ideal).