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UID 73538
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注册 2011-9-24
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1. 资质要求高

美国食品药品检查员被喻为每个公民“内部”的官方守护者(the official guardians of each citizen\'\'s “department of interior”),对检查员的要求十分严格。从其条款中可知成为一名合格的GMP检查员不同于我国,要求要有过制药企业工作的经历,并且要完成伪劣药、化学、医学或药学等课程,并已获得M.D.或Ph.G.学位。这就要求作为检查员不仅要有达到资质的学历要求,而且要有较强的交际能力,从而能够在检查活动中调节好气氛,使得检查能够顺利进行,并得到较为真实的信息。

美国食品药品检查员在资质上分等级管理,其中具有三级药品检查证(Level 3 Drug Certification)的检查员有资格当选为检查团(PI)中的一员。在培训、考核、继续教育和责罚等上,美国对检查团的管理都十分严格。检查团中成员的专业知识、检查技能和实际操作都是非常杰出的,所以在美国的检查员以成为检查团中的一员而倍感荣幸,并积极努力争取这一资格。此种级别管理极大的鼓舞了检查员队伍加强自身修养和专业知识的积极性,逐步提高检查队伍的操作水平,从而增强药品的监督和检查的效果。

2. 培训和继续教育完善

美国FDA属下的监管事务办公室(Office of Regulatory Affairs ,ORA)负责药品检查员的资质审评和培训工作,ORA提供相关领域的专家对检查员进行有针对性和深入的培训,培训的内容多涉及专业知识和技巧训练。建立了ORAU(ORA online university)作为网上教学的平台,及时对检查员进行知识更新和操作指导,网络上的及时交流进一步提高了检查活动的操作性和灵活性。

Rank: 4

UID 73538
精华 2
积分 930
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阅读权限 255
注册 2011-9-24
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(1)(i)药代动力学法:测量生物样本(如全血,血浆,血清,或其他生物样本) 中药物的活性成份,或其代谢产物的浓度与时间的关系;(ii)体外法:此种方法具有已确立好的体内外相关关系,可用于预测人体生物利用度的相关数据;(2)人体体内法:测量尿样样本中药物的活性成份,或其代谢产物的浓度与时间的关系;(3)药效法:测量药物的活性成份,或其代谢产物的即时药效与时间的关系。应用此种方法,药物效果必须能够被准确地、精确地、重复性地测出;(4)临床试验法:通过设计良好的临床比较试验,以综合的疗效终点指标来确立生物等效性。这种方法在准确性、敏感性和重复性上,较之其它方法有欠缺;(5)体外方法(通常为体外溶出度测定法):能够确保体内生物利用度;(6)FDA认可的任何其它用于测量生物利用度和生物等效性的方法。

对于全身作用类药物,其治疗效果是药物是进入血液循环后产生的,作用部位的药物浓度和血液中药物浓度存在一定的比例关系,因此可以通过测定血液循环中的药物浓度来获得反映药物体内吸收速度和程度的主要药代动力学参数,间接预测药物制剂的临床治疗效果,以评价制剂的质量。药代动力学法是目前公认的最佳方法。一般认为,此法在准确度、精确度、 重复度上最为良好。







·AUC∞:药物浓度与时间曲线被无限延伸所得的面积。AUC∞= AUC0-t + Clast/ke。 (t为最后一次可实测血药浓度的采样时间;Clast为末次可测定样本药物浓度;ke。为对数浓度-时间曲线末端直线部分求得的末端消除速率常数)









一般来讲,固体药物吸收的过程对健康受试者和病人来说是相同的。同时,生物等效性评估的是两种制剂吸收程度和速度的相对比较,所以,从健康受试者身上得到的结论同样适用于病人。对于某些药物来说,病人与健康者对其生物吸收度并不相同,即便对于这类药物, 如上结论基本上同样成立。

Rank: 4

UID 73538
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注册 2011-9-24
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FDA采用置信区间(而非均值)来比较两种药物是否生物等效,试验的结果用受试药品和参比药品的比值的置信区间来表达。通过计算得到的置信区间有一个允许范围,以此允许范围来决定两种药物是否生物等效。这个允许范围有高低两个界值。如果计算得到置信区间落入允许范围的高低界值之间,FDA 就会认定两种药物生物等效;如置信区间不能完全落入允许范围的高低界值之间,则认定这个实验没有显示生物等效。FDA的允许范围是一个固定的参数范围,而置信区间则是根据试验结果计算得出。


FDA发现,应用此统计学方法,受试药品与参比药品均值差别事实上远小于20%。最近,FDA对1996~2007年十年其间的生物等效性评价试验做了一个总结,从2 000多例例证中,又一次证实了受试药品与参比药品AUC的均值差别总平均值小于4%。



·FDA将个例具体药品生物等效性评估的建议和要求公布于FDA CDER指南专页网上,以便于公众对其发表意见和建议;


·最新公布的指南的草案要求以及最终要求都会逐月被公布于FDA CDER指南专页网上;

·每当新的指南被公布,FDA将会在Federal Register(FD)发表通告告知公众,并予以公众一个时段的时间,对此指南发表意见和建议;








Rank: 4

UID 73538
精华 2
积分 930
帖子 1192
信誉分 104
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专家分 20
阅读权限 255
注册 2011-9-24
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生物药剂分类系统(BCS)是基于药物本身的水溶性和通透性,对其进行科学分类的一种系统。分类系统中的溶解度是根据速释药物最高剂量的溶解性来确定。如果一个药物的最高剂量量能够溶解于250 毫升,或少于250 毫升pH在 1.0~7.5范围的溶液中,则此药物被认为是具有高溶解性;反之,则被认为是低溶解性。


根据其本身的水溶性和通透性,BCS将药物分为以下四类:BCS Class 1:高水溶性和高通透性药;BCS Class 2:低水溶性和高通透性药;BCS Class 3:高水溶性和低通透性药;BCS Class 4:低水溶性和低通透性药。
如果一个速释药物能够满足“30分钟内,在900 毫升(或小于900 毫升体积)的下列的几种溶剂中,其溶出量大于或等于药物标量的85%(试验条件:第一法装置100 rpm或二法装置50 rpm)”,则此药物可被归纳入“快速溶出药物”类。列出的溶剂有以下几种: (1)酸性溶剂,如0.1 N HCl,或符合药典规定的无酶人工胃液;(2)pH 4.5缓冲试剂;(3)pH 6.8 缓冲试剂,或符合药典规定的无酶人工肠液。

FDA BCS指导原则中指出,如一个口服性固体速释药物具有高水溶性和高通透性,且它在体外快速溶出,并与参比药品的体外溶出相似,那么此种药物可以申请生物等效性试验豁免。除此而外,药品还需要满足其他的一些条件:a)此药物必须在胃肠道内稳定:b)添加的辅料对药物活性成分的吸收无影响;c)此药不属于窄治疗指数药物;d)此药不属于经由口腔壁吸收类药物。


Rank: 4

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注册 2011-9-24
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  药品检查员数量、分级和管理  FDA设立了一套完整的检查员评估体系对检查员的实际工作进行考核和评估,检查员根据各系统的综合评定结果划分为三个级别。一级药品检查员:FDA通过对检查员上一年的工作表现和能力体现进行评估,符合要求者评为该级检查员。授予此级检查员资格的目的是确保新入职的检查员能够胜任FDA各类检查工作的职能,目前此级药品检查员数量约为1700人。二级药品检查员:为了加强FDA检查员的专家地位并增进企业和公众的对FDA检查工作效率和连贯性的认可,FDA于20世纪90年代中期设立了二级药品检查员级别。另外,FDA还要求二级药品检查员必须对检查工作保持高度的敏锐性,承担起解决日常工作和法律法规问题的责任,目前此级药品检查员数量约为100人。三级药品检查员:作为最高级别的检查员不仅要执行常规的检查职责,还要承担起拟定检查工作标准、对FDA各类公共安全事件主持实施管理等高级规划工作。目前此级药品检查员数量约为100人。
  每年药品检查工作量  根据美国《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》,FDA应至少每隔2年对药品生产企业进行一次药品GMP检查,目前美国约有药品生产企业2800家,需要监管的国外企业约3000家;每年的国内各类药品检查工作(含药品GMP检查)量大致为2200件,此外还要对国外药品生产企业进行440件药品检查。(此数据源自FDA-ORA 2006年的财务计划)
  药品检查员数量、组成  目前在我国除个别省、市拥有数量极少的专职检查员外,绝大多数人员是兼职检查员。这些兼职检查员都是来自各级药品监管部门的公务员或事业单位的工作人员,有自己繁忙的本职工作。药品检查工作靠临时、随机地在检查员数据库中抽调检查员参加。
  每年药品检查工作量  药品认证管理中心目前每年承担的各项检查工作总计约1400件:其中药品GMP现场检查550件;药品注册生产现场检查300件;中药材GAP认证检查20件;药物GLP现场检查50件;药物GCP现场检查300件;医疗器械GMP现场检查80件;体外诊断试剂体系考核现场检查120件;境外药品生产现场检查10件。
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UID 73538
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Rank: 4

UID 73538
精华 2
积分 930
帖子 1192
信誉分 104
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专家分 20
阅读权限 255
注册 2011-9-24
状态 离线

NAI:最好,No action indicated,表示没有问题,无需采取措施
VAI:Voluntary Action Indicated ,有一些问题,不过口头上说说,改好后就可以了,自愿采取措施如483 (无标题信)
OAI:最严重,Official action indicated,官方正式的通知有问题,需采取官方措施。 如警告信 。


The “Inspection Conclusion” indicates whether or not objectionable conditions and/or practices were found during the inspection and local IB management’s evaluation of their relative significance.  The data entry block for the Inspection Conclusion is located in the “Inspected Process and Conclusions” section of the FACTS “Maintain Inspection Results” screen.  This section is also used to record the Program Assignment Code (PAC) and product/process covered during the inspection.  If an EIR covers more than one PAC and product/process, there must be an "Inspection Conclusion” recorded for each PAC and product code.  “Inspection Conclusion” definitions are listed as follows:
FACTS – “Inspection Conclusion”        DEFINITION
No Action Indicated (NAI)        No Objectionable conditions or practices were found during the inspection (or the significance of the documented objectionable conditions found does not justify further FDA action).
Correction Indicated (CI)        Objectionable conditions and practices were found during the inspection, for which the establishment failed to meet either regulatory or administrative requirements. A CI conclusion should be made only if a FDA-483 has been issued unless the only significant observations are non-reportable as specified by IOM  Correction may be achieved through the firm’s voluntary action or FDA action.
Referred to Center (RTC)        RTC is a temporary in-process conclusion showing that the EIR should be referred to the appropriate Center for the “Final Decision” on the “Inspection Conclusion” and “District Decision.”  This conclusion should only be used when there is no current policy regarding the objectionable conditions observed or significant technical issues exist which require Center review and decision.  A RTC classification should be made only if a FDA-483 has been issued unless the only significant observations are non-reportable as specified by IOM
The “District Decision” represents the action that the District will take or recommend after considering the findings of the inspection, any events that occurred following the findings, and Agency policy.  Investigation and Compliance personnel are responsible for assigning the District Decision for EIRs as outlined in the PROCEDURES section of this FMD.
The District Decision section is located in the FACTS “Maintain Inspection Results” screen below the “Inspected Process and Conclusions” section.   It includes blocks to record the “Decision Type” for each PAC and “Process (Product)” covered.  If an EIR covers more than one process under a specific PAC, there must be a District Decision for each process and PAC code combination.
Rank: 4

UID 73538
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The following District Decisions will be used as appropriate:
FACTS – “Decision Type”        DEFINITION
No Action Indicated (NAI)         No objectionable conditions or practices were found during the inspection (or the significance of the documented objectionable conditions found does not justify further action).   
Voluntary Action Indicated (VAI)        Objectionable conditions were found and documented but the District and/or Center is not prepared to take or recommend any of the regulatory (advisory, administrative, or judicial) actions listed below since the objectionable conditions do not meet the threshold for regulatory action.  The district may use an Untitled Letter, Regulatory Meeting or other communication with responsible individuals to inform the establishment of findings that should be corrected.  A written response by the establishment may be an option, but is not necessary.  Any corrective action is left to the establishment to take voluntarily.  Recalls initiated by the establishment would be classified as VAI if the District is not prepared to take or recommend any further regulatory action based on the recall’s causative factors.  A VAI classification should be made only if a FDA-483 has been issued unless the only significant observations are non-reportable as specified by IOM  A VAI classification can be made only if the “Inspection Conclusion” is CI.
Official Action Indicated (OAI)        Objectionable conditions were found and one of the regulatory actions listed below should be recommended.  Includes voluntary recalls where the district has decided conditions warrant regulatory (advisory, administrative, or judicial) action.  Typically, an OAI classification should be made only if a FDA-483 has been issued and the documented evidence supports the action recommended (unless the only significant observations are non-reportable, as specified by IOM, or in matters referred to OCI, as noted in “Referred to Office of Criminal Investigations (OCI)” below).  An OAI classification can be made only if the “Inspection Conclusion” is CI.
Referred to State (RTS)        Referred to State, local, or other federal office.  This classification can be used only when either there is no federal jurisdiction over the apparent violation in question or it is determined that State action is the most efficient method of obtaining the establishment’s compliance with applicable Federal Laws, Regulations or Administrative requirements.  An RTS classification can be made only if the “Inspection Conclusion” is CI.
Referred to Center (RTC)        This “District Decision Type” can only be used when the objectionable conditions or apparent violations noted constitute a compliance area for which no clear policy has been established or significant technical issues exist which require Center review and decision.  An RTC classification should be made only if a FDA-483 has been issued unless the only significant observations are non-reportable as specified by IOM and documented evidence is present to assist in the Center’s decision.  An RTC classification can be made only if the “Inspection Conclusion” is either CI or RTC.  
Rank: 4

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Investigations Branch Responsibilities:
The Supervisory Investigator/Team Leader  reviews the EIR to determine if it includes the evidence needed to draw a conclusion based on relevant policy and procedure (such as the IOM, CPGM, CPGs, and/or the RPM).  If adequate evidence is present, the “Inspection Conclusion” and “District Decision” must be entered for each PAC and product covered during the inspection.  The “Inspection Conclusion” and “District Decision” should be entered promptly following the completion of the official EIR.  When necessary information has not been obtained, the Supervisory Investigator/Team Leader  will take or recommend the appropriate action.
"No Objectionable Conditions or Practices Found" Inspections:
If the Supervisory Investigator/Team Leader concludes that no objectionable conditions or practices were found during the inspection, or the objectionable conditions found do not justify further action, an “Inspection Conclusion” of “No Action Indicated (NAI)” should be selected.  The “Final Decision” block should be checked off in FACTS as noted below.
"Objectionable Conditions or Practices Found" Inspections:
If the Supervisory Investigator/Team Leader concludes that significant, valid, and documented objectionable conditions or practices were found, the District Decision must then be one of the following:
If the significant objectionable conditions and practices were found, but the District is not prepared to take or recommend any regulatory action, the Supervisory Investigator/Team Leader should then assign the “District Decision Type” of “Voluntary Action Indicated (VAI)” and check off the “Final Decision” block in FACTS as noted below.
If the IB determines that an “Untitled Letter” or a Regulatory Meeting to discuss the findings is warranted, the endorsement should reflect this decision. Typically, the Supervisory Investigator/Team Leader should enter the “District Decision Type” of VAI, create a FACTS Compliance Assignment, and inform the Compliance Branch. Once a Compliance Assignment is initiated in FACTS, Compliance Branch is responsible for checking off the “Final Decision” block.
The Supervisory Investigator/Team Leader will NOT be able to link the “Inspection Record” to the Compliance Assignment upon creating the assignment; however, the Compliance Officer who receives the assignment can do so after changing the status of the assignment to “In Progress”.
If the significant objectionable conditions or practices warrant a Warning Letter or one of the other regulatory actions listed below, the Supervisory Investigator/Team Leader will assign the “District Decision Type” of “Official Action Indicated (OAI)”. This would include an establishment conducting a voluntary recall where the district has decided conditions warrant regulatory action. The supervisory investigator will include in the EIR endorsement an evaluation of inspection findings and a recommended action and inform Compliance Branch.
When an OAI classification is entered into FACTS, the supervisor will be prompted and should either create a new Compliance Assignment or link the inspection to an existing assignment.
If significant objectionable conditions or practices are present but the Agency either cannot or chooses not to take regulatory action, IB may recommend that the State consider some action, assign a “District Decision” of “Referred to State (RTS)”, and notify Compliance Branch of the recommendation. Compliance Branch must be informed prior to contacting the State. Compliance Branch will assess, concur, and prepare the memorandum for referral to the State, and monitor the State’s response to the request. In the event Compliance does not concur with IB’s recommendation, they will change the “District Decision” and determine the appropriate “Final Decision.”
If the significant objectionable conditions or practices appear to warrant regulatory action, but the apparent violations noted constitute a compliance area for which no clear policy has been established or there are significant technical issues which require Center review and decision, the Supervisory Investigator/Team Leader will assign the “District Decision Type” of “Referred to Center (RTC).” The endorsement should reflect this decision and Compliance Branch must be informed prior to IB forwarding the EIR to the Center for evaluation. NOTE: Do not use “Referred to Center (RTC)” district decision for Bioresearch Monitoring inspections unless there are extraordinary circumstances. Use NAI, VAI, or OAI, as appropriate.
Compliance Branch Responsibilities:
When IB has determined that objectionable conditions or practices were found, that adequate evidence is present, and has made a “District Decision” of RTC, RTS, or OAI, Compliance Branch must review the EIR, endorsement, and other information provided. Compliance Branch will evaluate the IB referral and take appropriate action as required. When evidence is insufficient, Compliance Branch will develop an enforcement strategy in collaboration with IB, the Center(s), and/or ORA Headquarters as appropriate.
Compliance Branch will make the “Final Decision” in FACTS for the District except as noted in section 3. FACTS - “Final Decision” below. To arrive at the appropriate “final decision”, Compliance Branch may initiate further inquiries to evaluate the evidence, e.g. follow-up assignments, reference searches, consultations, regulatory meetings, etc. (See RPM for further discussion and uses of Regulatory Meetings.)
Rank: 4

UID 73538
精华 2
积分 930
帖子 1192
信誉分 104
可用分 6986
专家分 20
阅读权限 255
注册 2011-9-24
状态 离线
1、“Voluntary Action Indicated (VAI)” - Instructions
If IB has determined that significant objectionable conditions and practices were found, has assigned the “District Decision Type” of “Voluntary Action Indicated (VAI),” and determined that an “Untitled Letter,” a Regulatory Meeting, or other communication with the establishment to discuss the findings is warranted, the Supervisory Investigator will create a FACTS Compliance assignment and the Compliance Officer will link the inspection record to the assignment. If the Compliance Assignment is not created by the supervisory investigator, the Compliance Officer should create one and link the inspection record to it.
Compliance Branch will review the EIR, determine if the recommended action is appropriate, and whether adequate evidence has been provided to support the action. If Compliance Branch concurs, it will check off the “Final Decision” block, prepare the appropriate recommendation for the “Untitled Letter,” arrange a Regulatory Meeting, or otherwise communicate with the establishment in question. If Compliance Branch does not concur, it will change the “District Decision,” document the justification for the change per District procedures, check off the “Final Decision” block, and take or recommend any appropriate action.
“Official Action Indicated (OAI)” – Instructions
If IB has determined that significant objectionable conditions or practices found during a domestic or foreign inspection warrant a Warning letter or one of the other regulatory actions listed below, IB will assign the “District Decision Type” of “Official Action Indicated (OAI)”, and recommend an action. FACTS will automatically generate an assignment for Compliance Branch. Compliance Branch will review the EIR, determine if the recommended action is appropriate, and whether adequate evidence has been provided to support the action. If Compliance Branch concurs, it will prepare any recommendation required for Center, OCC, and HQ review per the RPM, CPGM, etc. If Compliance Branch does not concur, it will change the “District Decision,” document the justification for the change per District procedures, check off the “Final Decision” block, and take or recommend any appropriate action.
Whenever Untitled Letters or Regulatory Meetings are determined to be the appropriate action, an assessment of the firm’s response to these advisory actions should be made. If it is determined their response or proposed voluntary corrections are inadequate or require verification, a final classification or re-classification of OAI can be entered.
“Referred to Center (RTC)” – Instructions:
If IB has determined that the findings constitute a compliance area for which no clear policy has been established or significant technical issues exist which require Center review, and has entered the “District Decision” as “Referred to Center (RTC),” Compliance Branch will review the recommendation and determine if the referral is required. If Compliance does not concur, it will change the “District Decision,” document the justification for the change per District procedures, check off the “Final Decision” block, and take or recommend any appropriate action. If Compliance Branch concurs, they will inform the appropriate Center of the decision via email or memo, which shall be made part of the establishment file. These reports should be monitored to ensure that the “Inspection Conclusion,” “District Decision,” and “Final Decision” are entered into the data system under the fiscal year in which the inspection was made. NOTE: Do not use this decision for a report being forwarded to a Center for concurrence with a regulatory action being recommended by the district.
“Referred to State (RTS)” – Instructions
When the Supervisory Investigator/Team Leader has determined significant objectionable conditions or practices are present, but the Agency either cannot or exercises discretion not to take regulatory action, IB will assign a recommended “District Decision” of “Referred to State (RTS)”. Since the reason for a referral is usually to request the State to consider some action, Compliance Branch shall review and assess the recommendation. If Compliance Branch concurs, it will prepare a memorandum for referral to the State. Compliance is obligated to maintain contact with the State to monitor action taken. If Compliance does not concur, it will change the “District Decision,” document the justification for the change per District procedures, check off the “Final Decision” block, and take or recommend any appropriate action.
3、FACTS – “Final Decision” With the exception of instances where the compliance program reserves to a Center the right of “Final Decision” or the District has made the “District Decision” of RTC, the appropriate District unit may check off the “Final Decision” block in FACTS as follows:
IB must check off the “Final Decision” block for any inspections classified NAI or VAI, except when an Untitled Letter or a Regulatory Meeting has been recommended.
Compliance Branch must check off the “Final Decision” block for any “District Decisions” of VAI for which an Untitled Letter or a Regulatory Meeting has been recommended, OAI classifications, RTC for which the compliance program does not reserve the Final Decision for the Center, and any RTS classifications.
Application Action: e.g. {Recommendation for Denial of Pending Application (NDA,
NADA, ANDA, PMA, etc.) Recommendation for Revocation of Approved Application (NDA,
NADA, ANDA, PMA, etc.)} Banning
Certification Withholding or Revocation
Civil Penalty
Demand for Destruction or other Disposition
Emergency Permit Disapproved
License Action: e.g. {Denial, Suspension, or Revocation; Notice of Intent to Revoke License (for Biologics)}
Provisional Listing
Recall (FDA initiated recalls)
Remove from Shippers List
Use Prohibited
Warning Letter
(See section “Compliance Branch Responsibilities” section b. above regarding classification of Untitled Letters or Regulatory Meetings as OAI)