
犹他大学药学院的研究人员通过先进的计算机模拟技术,得到了一种涉及表观遗传学的蛋白复合体的动态图像,这种蛋白复合体也是抗癌药物的重要靶点。该文章发表在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences杂志上,为开发无损于健康细胞DNA的抗癌新药提供了极大的帮助。



赖氨酸特异性组蛋白去甲基化酶1(LSD1)/CoREST是一种涉及表观遗传学改变的蛋白复合体。近来研究显示,LSD1-CoREST 与多种蛋白结合,参与调控基因和修饰染色质(DNA与组蛋白结合而成,是细胞核的组成成分)。还有研究显示,LSD1-CoREST能与组蛋白H3结合。

“在之前的工作中,我们发现LSD1/CoREST的作用就像一个可以开合的小钳子,能够调节其结合蛋白的大小,”研究的第一作者,犹他大学药物化学助理教授Riccardo Baron博士说。“我们研究的目的是了解LSD1/CoREST结合组蛋白H3时的构象改变。”

研究人员在LSD1/CoREST X射线晶体结构的基础上进行了分子动态模拟,将该蛋白复合体的静态图像有效转化为一部分子电影。他们发现,未结合状态的LSD1/CoREST其小钳臂表现出显著转动,在开合构象间前后移动。而与H3结合后,小钳的弹性减弱,丧失了主要转动能力。这种形态的动态变化,有助于解释LSD1/CoREST结合蛋白的范围为何这么广,这种动态也与LSD1/CoREST重塑染色质的能力有关。





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  • 再回首tv (2013-12-13 16:25:26)


    LSD1/CoREST is an allosteric nanoscale clamp regulated by H3-histone-tail molecular recognition

    The complex of lysine-specific demethylase-1 (LSD1/KDM1A) with its corepressor protein CoREST is an exceptionally relevant target for epigenetic drugs. Here, we provide insight into the local and global changes of LSD1/CoREST conformational dynamics that occur upon H3 binding on the basis of a total cumulative time of one microsecond molecular dynamics simulation. The LSD1/CoREST complex functions as an allosteric nanoscale-binding clamp, which is regulated by substrate binding. In the unbound state, LSD1/CoREST reversibly visits clamp states that are more open or significantly more closed compared with the available X-ray crystal structures. The Lys triad of residues Lys355, Lys357, and Lys359 gates the entrance of the H3 pocket. H3 binding shifts the pocket breathing dynamics toward open, higher-volume states while reducing the overall flexibility of the LSD1/CoREST nanoscale clamp. We show that the H3 pocket is an allosteric site for the regulation of the rotation of the amino oxidase domain with respect to the Tower domain. The allosteric mechanism relies on the specific reduction of nanoscale domain rotation upon local H3-tail binding. Instead, clamp opening/closing motions that do not involve domain rotation only reduce in amplitude yet are dominant in the bound state. Overall, our data suggest that the H3 binding pocket is a central target site to (i) switch off LSD1 amino oxidase activity, thus H3-tail demethylation; (ii) block the competitive binding of transcription factors; and (iii) prevent chromatin anchoring to LSD1/CoREST. This study underscores the importance of receptor flexibility for future epigenetic drug discovery.(cuturl('http://www.ebiotrade.com/'))