
6月初第一稿,由于第一次写长文章(共18页不包括图),与老板来回10来次,9月下旬定稿。由于看到好几篇类似的文章在PRB上,也觉得自己的故事比较的好,很有信心的准备投PRB ,虽然觉得没有太多的物理,9月25号投的,由于不急着要文章,中间没有看文章状态或是催稿,11月18号收到审稿意见

Dear Dr. XX,

The above manuscript has been reviewed by two of our referees. Comments from the reports are enclosed.

We regret that in view of these comments we cannot accept the paper for publication in Physical Review.

Yours sincerely,

Referee 1:

This is an interesting paper on xx. The paper is presenting new stuff which should be useful for material science community and, specifically, for specialists in xx. Another interesting result was found that.

A general conclusion was: xxx. Personally, I think the information obtained is expected and not principally

novel. My problem with the paper is about its overall impact. What is the new or interesting physics here to warrant publication in the PRB?

In general, the paper is well organized, carefully written and well done. The subject matter and style of presentation is appropriate for any material science journal. The length of the manuscript is appropriate. There are some misspellings and language mistakes which will be corrected during further editorial work.

Conclusion: The paper does not contain enough significant new physics to be

published in Phys. Rev. B. Contribution to J.Appl.Phys. is more appropriate.

Referee 2

This manuscript describes xxx. This paper contains very little new physics, especially in light of a paper recently published by the same authors on the same system (Refxx). The quality of paper in general is not up to the standards of the Physical Review. I cannot recommend publication.

In my view, that is a fairly common sense explanation which has been known to be correct for many systems for decades and is used daily in the refining of silicon. The quality of the experimental work and its interpretation is also not quite up to the standards of the Physical Review.


In summary, this paper is not of good enough quality and does not contain enough new physics to warrant publication in Phys. Rev. B.

自己也感觉文章的物理不强,事实上很多相似的文章也发在上面,并没有太多物理。另外就是我的合作者已经在APL上发表了部分结果,但我的文章在那基础上做了更深入更系统的研究,加了很多新的内容,而且我们的侧重点也不同。不管怎样,就只能改投了,想想故事还可以,就根据审稿人的建议往材料方面的投吧,老板建议投JAP,我觉得有点可惜,由于文章很长觉得Acta Materialia也很不错就投了,当初啥也没想,因为也不急着需要文章,就做了点小的修改,包括文章格式,参考文献,还加了2篇Acta的文献,11 月25号投的,中间从没看文章的状态也没有催稿,非常巧合的是1月18 (上次11月18)收到审稿意见,要求修改(没有说小修或大修)

Dear Professor XX,

I have now received an independent review of your manuscript. The referee has made suggestions for you to revise the paper. See below review. If you will address these comments in your revised paper, I shall be pleased to consider your manuscript for publication in Acta Materialia.

In the 'Response to Reviewer', please include a detailed explanation of changes made.

Please also highlight the amendments and corrections made to the original submission.

In some cases, the revision will need to be reviewed by the referee; please allow time for this process.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Editor's/Reviewer's comments:

Overall the paper is well done. The following are a list of comments and

suggestions that should be addressed followed by the text of the paper with

grammatical and puntuation changes added.


只有一个审稿人,非常的Nice, 审稿非常非常仔细,还给我上传了他帮着修改的语法副本,虽然自己投稿前看了无数遍,还有导师也严格把关,还是很多小的语法问题。还有几个问题比较的专业,把审稿意见放1个星期后,花一天时间认真改完,1月25号上传,本以为还要送审,没想到27号就收到主编来信接受。

Dear Professor xx,

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has now been accepted for


Please note that this paper may now be sent to the Copy Editor for language correction. You will have the opportunity to comment on the galley proofs, which Elsevier will send to you by e-mail in due course.

Thank you for publishing your article in Acta Materialia.

Yours sincerely,



2)要选对期刊,但有时候做起来很难,因为你可能根据上面有的文章而类推,虽然主编有可能送审,但不同的审稿人自己会有看法的,看运气了,我查了下,我这个方向的文章在Acta上也就3,4篇,以前从来没有投过,更有意思的是,我老板不久前投PRL的文章被拒,投到Angew Chemie 居然中了,就看你怎么样把文章的意义跟那个杂志的方向相关联起来,还有就是你如果不很着急要文章的话,可以从你认为刚好可不上的杂志开始,至少可以有个审稿意见。


4)时间的巧合:PRB,9月25,11月18; Acta, 11月25, 1月18, 1月25,个人感觉,只要研究课题不是很偏的话,审稿还是比较的快,一般2个月以内,当然了,这还要大家共同维护,我帮老板审稿,一般2个星期以内给意见,否则我审不了就不会答应。

